What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly (wasm) is a simple machine model and executable format with an extensive specification. It is designed to be portable, compact, and execute at or near native speeds.

As a programming language, WebAssembly is comprised of two formats that represent the same structures, albeit in different ways:

  1. The .wat text format (called wat for "WebAssembly Text") uses S-expressions, and bears some resemblance to the Lisp family of languages like Scheme and Clojure.

  2. The .wasm binary format is lower-level and intended for consumption directly by wasm virtual machines. It is conceptually similar to ELF and Mach-O.

For reference, here is a factorial function in wat:

  (func $fac (param f64) (result f64)
    local.get 0
    f64.const 1
    if (result f64)
      f64.const 1
      local.get 0
      local.get 0
      f64.const 1
      call $fac
  (export "fac" (func $fac)))

If you're curious about what a wasm file looks like you can use the wat2wasm demo with the above code.

Linear Memory

WebAssembly has a very simple memory model. A wasm module has access to a single "linear memory", which is essentially a flat array of bytes. This memory can be grown by a multiple of the page size (64K). It cannot be shrunk.

Is WebAssembly Just for the Web?

Although it has currently gathered attention in the JavaScript and Web communities in general, wasm makes no assumptions about its host environment. WASM is a "portable executable" format that is currently being expanded to work in a variety of contexts through the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) specification being developed by a sub-group of the WebAssembly CG. For more information about the work happening on the WASI specification, start here.

As of today, however, WASM is primarily used in one of two ways:

  1. as a way to speed up compute-intensive parts of JavaScript (JS) applications, for instance by creating WASM modules to use on the client-side Web, in NodeJS, Deno, or other JS runtimes, or
  2. as a way of building fully WASM-based applications using frameworks that compile to *.wasm, such as Leptos, Dioxus, or Yew which are all written in Rust.

This guide will focus primarily on writing WASM for client-side web apps, using both JS and Rust-based WASM frameworks.

If you wish to learn more about WASI and server-side uses of WebAssembly, we recommend visiting the ByteCode Alliances's "WasmTime" project website, which is where the development of the WASI specification is ongoing. You can read the WasmTime book here.